buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Dr. Sarah Mitchell - Clinical Psychologist style.css header class hero nav div Dr. Sarah Mitchell class logo div class nav-links a Home href #home a About href #about a Services href #services a Contact class cta-button href #contact main section id home class hero-content h1 Empowering Your Mental Well-being p Compassionate, evidence-based psychological care in a supportive environment a Schedule Consultation class primary-button href #contact section id about class about-section h2 About Dr. Mitchell div class about-content img src images/psychologist.jpg alt Dr. Sarah Mitchell div class bio p With over 15 years of experience, I specialize in helping individuals overcome anxiety, depression, and life transitions through evidence-based therapeutic approaches. p I believe in creating a safe, nurturing space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings freely. section id services class services-section h2 Services Offered div class service-grid div class service-card h3 Individual Therapy p Personalized one-on-one sessions tailored to your unique needs div class service-card h3 Couples Counseling p Strengthen relationships and improve communication div class service-card h3 Anxiety Treatment p Evidence-based approaches to manage anxiety and stress div class service-card h3 Depression Therapy p Compassionate support for overcoming depression section id contact class contact-section h2 Get in Touch div class contact-container form class contact-form input type text placeholder Your Name required true input type email placeholder Email Address required true textarea placeholder Your Message required true button Schedule Consultation type submit class submit-button footer div class footer-content div class contact-info p 123 Healing Street, Suite 100 p Los Angeles, CA 90001 p (555) 123-4567 div class footer-links a Privacy Policy href #privacy a Terms of Service href #terms script.js